Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Instant Six Pack

From DenverPost.com Instant six-pack
A Denver surgeon offers a solution for people tired of sweating and grunting their way to rippled abs
Forget about sweating through endless crunches in what - face it - is probably a hopeless quest for rock-hard and rippled "six-pack" abdominals reserved for bodybuilders and the genetically gifted.
Throw in the towel and whip out the wallet.
A Denver plastic surgeon, Dr. John Millard, is pioneering a technique for those willing to pay for perfection: muscle-bound torsos sculpted from the patient's own fat.
Millard in late 2005 learned the procedure from a Colombian artist-turned-surgeon, Dr. Alfredo Hoyos, and has performed 19 of the "high-definition liposelection" surgeries. The surgeons claim to be the first in the world to take America's most popular cosmetic surgical procedure - liposuction - from slimming technique to extreme muscle sculpture.
Colorado physicist William Cimino got Food and Drug Administration approval in 2002 for a surgical device that uses ultrasound waves to break up fat tissue without damaging nearby nerves and connective tissue
Sunday, January 29, 2006
LipoSelection Candidate Wanted

Are you a thin/slim woman with cellulite? Here's your opportunity to get a LipoSelection makeover.
A Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon is looking for the perfect candidate to receive LIPOSELECTION cellulite removal live on TV.
You will not be put to sleep. Limited Time! Excellent opportunity!
If you think you are the perfect candidate call to schedule an appointment.
Remember LipoSelection is not liposuction, it is much more advanced.
LipoSelection targets body fat using ultrasound and provides minimal impact on other body parts
Sunday, January 22, 2006
What Is LipoSelection?

From Vaser.com What is LipoSelection only by Vaser?
... remove your unwanted fat and experience only low
to minimal pain?
... enjoy a new body contour that is smooth as well as
... reshape those trouble spots that just won't respond
to diet and exercise?
The VASER System uses ultrasound energy to break up and emulsify fat, leaving surrounding tissue - such as nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue - relatively intact. Only the LipoSelection procedure can offer you an experience that is UltraSelective, UltraSmooth, UltraSound!