Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Instant Six Pack
From DenverPost.com Instant six-pack
A Denver surgeon offers a solution for people tired of sweating and grunting their way to rippled abs
Forget about sweating through endless crunches in what - face it - is probably a hopeless quest for rock-hard and rippled "six-pack" abdominals reserved for bodybuilders and the genetically gifted.
Throw in the towel and whip out the wallet.
A Denver plastic surgeon, Dr. John Millard, is pioneering a technique for those willing to pay for perfection: muscle-bound torsos sculpted from the patient's own fat.
Millard in late 2005 learned the procedure from a Colombian artist-turned-surgeon, Dr. Alfredo Hoyos, and has performed 19 of the "high-definition liposelection" surgeries. The surgeons claim to be the first in the world to take America's most popular cosmetic surgical procedure - liposuction - from slimming technique to extreme muscle sculpture.
Colorado physicist William Cimino got Food and Drug Administration approval in 2002 for a surgical device that uses ultrasound waves to break up fat tissue without damaging nearby nerves and connective tissue